An increasingly popular trend in cosmetic surgery, a labiaplasty can have profound influences on a woman’s quality of life. Women seek labiaplasties for one of two reasons: 1) functionally: they may be having difficulty with uncomfortable, or painful, exercise and sexual intercourse, or being able to wear tight clothing; 2) aesthetically: women are looking for a minor procedure that can improve how they, or their partners, perceive themselves sexually.
Labiaplasty surgery allows for enlarged labia to be reduced, asymmetric labia to be better matched, and injured labia to be corrected. This improves aesthetic appearance, alleviates discomfort, and improves a woman’s self-esteem.
Labiaplasty procedures can be performed in the office, or performed as an outpatient in a surgery center, depending on the wishes of the patient. A thorough analysis is performed, noting tissue redundancy and symmetry, marking the amount of excess tissue that will need to be removed. A wedge shaped incision is then created, removing the marked tissue. The opposing skin edges are reapproximated with absorbable sutures for final healing.
After surgery, discomfort lasts for 1-2 weeks, but patients can often return to work within a matter of days. Prescription pain medications may be needed initially for comfort, and ice packs are recommended to reduce any swelling. Incisions heal in approximately 3 weeks, and are nearly imperceptible. Sexual intercourse can resume between 4-6 weeks after surgery.
We believe in being preemptive to avoid any risks associated with surgery, but occasionally the following may occur:
Bleeding/Hematoma – A small amount of bleeding is common after surgery, but if severe enough, another operation may be required to stop it. Bleeding can also form a collection, termed a hematoma, which presents as a swollen, painful, bruised, and tense labia. These require drainage to prevent secondary problems.
Infection – A labiaplasty carries a risk of infection, but if one occurs, it may require antibiotics, or antifungal, medications.
Poor Cosmesis: This may include poor wound healing with a widened scar, irregularity of the scar contour, or partial wound separation. These may all lead to suboptimal results, and the possibility of additional surgery to correct.
Wedge versus Trim Resection
There are two common incision patterns for labiaplasty surgery, the wedge resection and the trim resection. Wedge resections remove a wedge of tissue from each labia minora, while a trim resection removes a strip of labia along its entire length. Dr. Castillo believes firmly in the wedge resection method as it leads to a smaller, nearly imperceptible, scar along only one part of the labia as opposed to the entire length of the labia
Additional Procedures
Depending on the tissues that need correction, a labiaplasty can be combined with a clitoral hood reduction and vaginoplasty for a complete rejuvenation.
Does labiaplasty surgery hurt?
Although a labiaplasty involves surgery on delicate, sensitive tissues, most women experience only mild discomfort. Though given prescription pain medications, most discomfort will improve over the first week and require only over-the-counter medication.
Does labiaplasty affect my sexual satisfaction?
Because of the importance of this tissue’s sensitivity, delicate handling to prevent damage to nerves is of paramount importance. After surgery many women feel that sexual satisfaction is improved, because they feel more comfortable and confident.